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Colour shifts focus from body to mind

Colour shifts focus from body to mind
Travelling can be a major buzz kill when it comes to feeling your best. As elite as it seems, you still have to deal with small spaces and poor ventilation. Travelling gets the best of us and we always arrive with less energy. Continue reading

Naturverse in Fashion

Naturverse in Fashion
NatureVerse is a representation of the aesthetical- ly-attracting and exitment feeling combination of the technology and the nature. It seams that nature is disconnected from the digital world, but can you imagine by merging those two world to build a better place to live? Continue reading

Metaverse Wellbeing

Metaverse Wellbeing
By focusing on the here and now, this gives us greater peace of mind. We can avoid drifting through our lives in confusion, being consumed by thoughts of the past or fixating on things that are out of our control. Continue reading